GNG headed to a boardgame cafe in their native Portsmouth to officially welcome the Game Night Goodies recipe book into the world.

Though author AJ Noon released this tasty tome earlier in the year, the pandemic necessitated delaying the official launch. Now that families and friends are able to come together to enjoy boardgames, what better time to officially welcome Game Night Goodies; your essential guide to hosting a super games night.
The launch was held at the marvellous Dice Board Game Lounge in Portsmouth, Hampshire, and the accompanying charity raffle raised a sizeable sum for local causes.
They even caught the eye of the lovely folk over at The News, Portsmouth, who wrote an excellent piece about the launch and gave their readers a sneak peek at one of the tastiest recipes...

It was wonderful to see people gaming together again and to know that Dice's doors have reopened to board game fans across the city. Dice have launched their own charitable initiative aiming to send board games to schools in the area, which will help improve children's mental health and wellbeing, team-work skills, puzzle solving abilities, and encourage them make new friends.
You can pick up your very own copy of Game Night Goodies directly from Dice, or from Amazon for £12 paperback or £8.99 Kindle.